The Hopi Snow Danse
On an afternoon drive-about through Enchantment, one of Sedona's most beautiful and natural developments, our Divine guides led us to a very rare weather demonstration presented by a Hopi Shaman in full regalia for AZ Channel 11 news. It was said that because of the crisis the world is in, the Hopi Elders decided it was time to demonstrate the Hopi's gifts, their 'work,' to the world to do whatever they can to save our precious Mother Earth from the utter senseless destruction of white man's insatiable greed. The camera crew and broadcast host were there encapsulating the demonstration. Whether they knew the depth of their work, or not, we do not know. As such, we understood that we also had permission to take a photo of his Danse-in-process, and post it on our website with the story. Otherwise, we would not have taken a photo or shared it without speaking with him. We don't know if Channel 11 news followed up on the results of his powerful demonstration, likely not, but we did. Notice the sun filtering through the canyon and trees on this beautiful, clear blue, Sedona-sunny sky day.

Moving on, along our afternoon drive-about, we saw the clouds starting to gather. We should have taken photos of the process but we were too excited to see it actually happening and thoroughly engaged in our own activation and learning from it to think of cameras. Finally realizing our error, we took this photo as the clouds were incoming... Answering the Call of the Shaman... and that's another story.
Now, with clouds thickly upon us, we stood in awe, speechless and weak-kneed, for the honor of witnessing and being activated by such a powerful demonstration... 'the work' from days gone by, otherwise, save, for those who know. If you relax into it, and ask the Divine to show you, you may see a host of power animals amongst the clouds.
Did it snow... hard?
More precisely, in the illustrious words of the dearly-missed Johnny Carson, "How hard was it"? It snowed SO hard, it could almost have been termed a blizzard... in what otherwise would have been a relatively warm Sedona winter's day. Our continued awe at an all-time high, we engaged in 'the work' of activation and learning. We drifted to sleep, pun intended, in our heightened state gifted dreams in an avalanche of ancient knowledge. The next morning, pictured above out our patio sliding glass door, we woke to the site of snow covering everything in our midst and mountaintops as far as we could see. Thrilled with the Shaman's successful demonstration, our reveling in it again precluded any thought of photos until the sun had been up for hours and melted most of what was on the ground near us. However, notice the melted puddles and remaining snow still in shaded pockets and on the mountaintops in every direction with scattered puffs of remaining power animals proudly overlooking the scene.

This photo, taken on our drive-about starting around noon or so, still finds snow in the greater arena as pictured above. Notice the usual absence of cloud cover in this 'superluminal blue sky,' in contrast to the thick-to-bursting clouds in an otherwise ever-present cloudless arid climate. A 'superluminal blue' is always present over head when weather work is engaged with success. And so it goes, with another unbelievably true and amazing encapsulation with totally un-retouched 35mm slide transparencies taken by S. Gregor Rice during the actual event for The Stories of Tarajories Collection, and this, another StarKid StarKamp! demonstration as well.
We stand in awe.
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All Stories and Photos from The Stories of Tarajories Collection (c) 1990 through 2018 S. Gregor Rice and available or full production and marketing as are all other creative projects. Now playing: Danse of the Rainbow Feathered Serpent, drum track only [without flutes, currently at large in the archives which fits the scene more appropriately] inspired by the 1987 Harmonic Convergence, if memory serves.